Portable antenna tuning devices/approaches
Nearly any antenna in use today requires or benefits from a tuner. Single or multiband dipoles are of course an exception as are some other dedicated antennas specifically designed for one or several bands. But most ham shacks today have one or more tuners. My primary tuner in the shack these days is an LDG Z11Pro II which will handle just about anything I throw at it. I also have several manual tuners, most on the shelf and only get used occasionally. The first portable tuner I had and still have is the MFJ -971. It is a wonderful little tuner and more than suitable for a drive up portable setup. But its size and weight make it a less suitable tuner for a long backpacking trip, though its versatility is enviable.
The following are various portable tuners that I've played with. Hope my experience and observations are helpful.
Emtech ZM-2 Z MATCH Antenna Tuning Unit
QRPME Tuna Tunah II QRP Antenna Tuner
Parallel Tuned Transformer for End Fed Half Wave Wire Antenna
For details of this approach I suggest the the website by M0UKD. My version of this is described on my end fed half wave antenna page.