Various End Fed Wire Options
The following pages are not exhausitve. They arose out of my playing with the end fed half wave antenna matched with a parallel resonant transformer described on another page. That approach is pretty much dedicated to one or two bands and requires a half wave wire for each band. So it is not really a multi-band antenna. The 51 ft and 35 ft end fed wire antennas described on the following pages are intended to be genuine multi-band antennas.
51 ft end fed
This antenna consists of a tuner or matchbox, a 51 foot antenna wire and a counterpoise which may need to be length adjusted for different bands. I don't know the "theory" behind this particular length.
29/35 ft end fed
This antenna is identical to the 51 foot endfed one except that the antenna wire is 35 feet long. Once again I don't know the logic behind the length. In both this and the 51 foot case I simply took other peoples ideas and adapted them to my situation.
Dipoles or Inverted Vees
Most will agree in terms of simplicity and effectiveness a dipole either a flat top, suspended between two supports, or installed as in inverted vee with the center supported and the ends draping downward is hard to beat. If you can get one up in the air, it's hard to go wrong. My interest has been in very light weight or stealth multi-band inverted vee antennas including linked ones, trap ones and fan style. I've had good performance from them all.