2017 Backpacking/Camping Season
2017-02-02 What will 2017 hold? Of course no one knows. But I continue to watch YouTube videos, read related items and buy a few pieces of equipment in hopes that a day will come soon when I can get out in the "wild" somewhere. On the evening news tonight they had a piece suggesting that if you have trouble sleeping, Go Camping! The relaxation, change of pace, natural light and just being in nature just may be what you need! Last year had a lot of interesting experiences, with the highlight being the trip to the Boundary Waters of Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota that I want on with my two sons. It was only three nights and four days but will be high in my memory bank for as long as my memory bank operates. I hope something will rise to a similar level this year. On the following pages I'll chronicle whatever happens along the lines of camping, hiking and backpacking.