Pacific Antenna 20 and 40M Trap Dipole Kit
2020-03-19 Just replaced 4 band trap inverted vee with this Pacific antenna 40-20 trap inverted vee. The SWR curve above gives an idea of how well it is tuned with very low SWR on both the 40 and 20 meter bands. Almost immediately after turning on the rig I heard VA3JH calling CQ POTA and answered him. We were both 55. One more POTA chase in the log! I think this antenna, like my 29' EF will be in my portable pack. Both are easy to deploy and work well. And currently I have them both set up on the same fiberglass fishing pole. One pole, two antennas, one all with internal tuner and one dual band without a tuner.

2020-01-04 Well after spending most of the morning at a hamfest I finally got to work trimming the QRPKITS 40-20 meter dual band trap dipole antenna. As they all do it took several hours and many trips to the back yard. Ended up removing several inches from the 20 meter legs and adding about a foot to the 40 meter extensions.
It is mounted as an inverted vee using my Shakespear 20 ft Wonderpole as the center support. The canter is about 16 feet up. The feedline is 35 ft of RG174 coax. I've had three QSOs with it so far. One SSB and one CW (QRP) on 40 meters and one 20 Meter SSB QSO with the YL System operator, W7TAO in Washington State, 1665 miles. I was running 20 watts. So I know it radiates! My current observation is that it's a good antenna. Weighing in at only 4.5 ounces, and pretty compact it would be a solid dual band portable antenna.
NanoVNA analysis of the Pacific Antenna 40-20 meter trap dipole as an inverted vee.
2020-01-03 As I have said before, I am hopelessly into antennas, at least for the present. Another trap antenna for 40 and 20? Yes. It was just too "cute" to pass up. Plus I have my new NanoVNA and need something legitimate to use it for! Tuning the traps is perfect? Would be nice if the temperature outside would warm up a bit but no worry. This is far too important to let a little cold weather interfere! :-) Ok, to work....
The two photos above are of the antenna as received from qrpkits. The one at right is completed ready for trimming.
It took me several hours to assemble the antenna including checking the traps with my NanoVNA. I forgot to take any photos of that! Tomorrow I'll go outside and string it up and do some more testing and adjusting as needed. Fun build.