Emberlit Fireant Wood Burning and Trangia Burner Stove
2018-04-16 About a year ago I got the stainless steel version of the Emberlit Fireant Stove. It is intended primarily to be a wood burning stove and it is quite effective as such. For fuel it just needs small twigs and sticks and will burn "logs" up to about an inch in diameter and a few inches long. You can even feed the fire with longer 1/2 to 1 " sticks by feeding them into the fire chamber through an opening designed for that purpose.
But it also has special slots cut into it for mounting a Trangia burner. So I decided to give that a try. I used my Alocs burner instead of the Trangia one but they are nearly identical. It brought one cup of water to a boil in just over four minutes, using 1/4 oz of alcohol. That is not as efficient as the burner inside of the Trangia 27 system and if it were outside a wind screen would definitely be needed but it works well and is a good option.